
Thursday 22 October 2020

Spiritual Significance of दशहरा (daśaharā - taking/seizing the ten)


The sacred annual Hindu festival of नवरात्रि (navarātri - nine nights) and the दशहरा(daśaharā - taking/seizing the ten) is overloaded with multiple spiritual significance, about which we shall take  brief look.

Tab/PartTopicSub Topics
Part 1Spiritual significance of विद्ध्वेश भक्ति (vidveśa bhakti – Offensive Devotion)महाभक्तिभावन (mahā bhakti bhāvana – Supreme Devotional Role Playing)
विद्वेष भक्ति (vidveṣa bhakti – Offensive Devotion)
असुर च देव संबन्धित्व (asura ca deva saṃbandhitva – demon & god relationship)
निगूढार्थ रहस्य्तविद्या (nigūḍhārtha rahasytavidyā - occult esoteric science)
Part 2
श्री देवी विजय (śrī devī vijaya)
भङ्ग (bhaṅga - defeat) of मधु (madhu) कैटभ (kaiṭabha) in the hands of महा विष्णु (mahā viṣṇu) with the help of माता श्री महामायादेवी (mātā śrī mahāmāyādevī)
महिशासुर मर्दिन् (mahiśāsura mardin - demonic Mahisha destruction) by Goddess माता श्री दुर्गादेवी (mātā śrī durgādevī)
भङ्ग (bhaṅga - defeat) of शुम्भ(śumbha) & निशुम्भ (niśumbha) by Goddess माता श्री महाकाली (mātā śrī mahākālī)
Part 3श्री राम विजय (śrī rāma vijaya)रावणासुर संहार (rāvaṇāsura saṃhāra - demonic Ravana destruction)
Part 4Occult esoteric significance of नवरात्रि / दशहरा (navarātri/ daśaharā – nine nights / ten defeats) & பொம்மை கொலு (bommai kolu – doll sequence)Types and Significance of नवरात्रि / दशहरा (navarātri/ daśaharā – nine nights / ten defeats)
आयुध पूजा (āyudha pūjā)
सरस्वती पूजापूजा (sarasvatī pūjā)
विजयदशमी (vijayadaśamī)
பொம்மை கொலு (bommai kolu – doll sequence)

Note: The articles for each of these topics is shared on the left panel under the title Table of Contents. Please click the same to take you to the respective blog.

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